About Trusted Computing CoE™
What is the CoE?
The Trusted Computing Center of Excellence™ (CoE) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to lower barriers to adoption and facilitate the principled development and deployment of trustworthy systems based on seL4®. Addressing the needs of the U.S. DoD and DoD contractor community will be a focus for the CoE.
The CoE will complement the separate seL4 Foundation. While the seL4 Foundation will focus on creating, maintaining and supporting the code and proofs of the seL4® kernel itself, as well as user-level frameworks, libraries, components and reference architectures, the CoE will focus on emphasizing the development, maintenance and dissemination of software distributions; which are curated collections of software (e.g., kernel, libraries, drivers, components, configurations, frameworks, and proofs) that form the basis of a stable and supported platform on which to build trustworthy systems. The CoE will work closely with the seL4 Foundation to avoid forking of the seL4® microkernel code base and contribute changes back to origin repositories wherever possible.
- Mature the technology
- Coordinate the development and maintenance of curated software distributions
- Promote adoption in the U.S.
- Foster collaboration among contributors in the U.S.
- Transition into various applications
What We Do
A holistic approach to growing and educating the seL4® developer.
- Training
- DoD Innovation Center
- Online Training
- On-site Training
- DoD Developer Certification for seL4®
- Bringing New Ideas
- Landing Pad for Other Programs
- Incubator for New Ideas
- Development Center
- Outreach Program
- Gaps in seL4® and New Capabilities
- U.S. Repository
- “Controlled” Repository
- Hosting Interns
- Moderating Forums
- Sponsoring Various Academic Papers
- Holding Workshops
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